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What's New?

Added since January 2016:









Feb 2016 - REMOVAL & SETTLEMENT ORDERS - Removal Orders 1684-1838

Mar 2016 - THE SCHOOL - Admissions Register 1904-1914 (includes birthdates)

Mar 2016 - School Photo Gallery added with Class photos

Mar  2016 - WW2 - E Coy 3rd Bn Wiltshire Home Guard image & some names.  Can you help?



Mar 2016 - MISC INFORMATION - Removal Orders 1753-1793



Jan 2016 -  ST LEONARD'S CHURCHYARD images of 12 headstones in lst photo gallery:  

                    Bagg, Bowles (2), Brown (2), Dewey, Gardner, Gray (2), Hayward, Hilton, Hull

Jan 2016 -  ST LEONARD'S CHURCHARD images of 6 headstones in 2nd photo gallery:  

                    Pike (2), Rideout, Wake, Wightwick (2)



Feb 2016 - WW1 - 45 Casualty Biopics updated.  

Feb 2016 - ZION HILL CHAPEL - Marriages 1889-1942 (Chapel Register).  Exclusive to Wiltshire Footprints

Mar 2016 - ZION HILL CHAPEL - Baptistms 1889-1935 (Chapel Register).  Exclusive to Wiltshire Footprints 

Mar 2016 - THE SCHOOLS - New paragraph and photo gallery added to the page

Mar 2016 - WW1 - 15 Biopics of casualties not named on the war memorial 



A new parish


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Information is for personal research only; no part of this website should be copied or published elsewhere

without written permission from Wiltshire Footprints.

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